Abstract Submission Guidelines


Important dates

  • Abstract submission opening - December 1, 2024
  • Abstract submission deadline - March 31, 2025
  • Notification for abstracts acceptance - June 15, 2025
  • Registration deadline for authors - June 30, 2025

Abstract Content Details

  • The abstracts are to be written in English.
  • When formulating your contribution, please pay attention to correct orthography, grammar and gender-sensitive as well as diversity-sensitive language. The contributions will be published as submitted; there is no proofreading. After submission, contributions can be edited until the end of the abstract submission.
  • The length of the abstract is limited to 1 800 characters (incl. spaces; excl. references)
  • Use only common abbreviations. If you use your own abbreviations, they must be written out in full the first time they are used. Duden-compliant abbreviations do not need to be introduced separately (such as).
  • If possible, please structure the abstract as follows: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion
  • You can add up to 3 keywords to your abstract.
  • You cannot upload any figures/images to your abstract.
  • The decision on acceptance/rejection of an abstract and the classification in the programme is made by the scientific committee on the basis of the review results.
  • All submitted abstracts will be presented as a poster in A0 format, portrait. Each presenter will give a short introduction of the poster orally in the poster session with one slide. Further instructions will follow after acceptance of the abstract by the Scientific Committee.
  • To present your paper, you must register for the congress and pay the registration fee in due time.

Publication Guidelines

  • The submitter declares that all named authors agree to be named including their respective affiliation in connection with this abstract.
  • The accepted abstracts are intended for publication in the online program of the event. By submitting the abstract, the authors give their consent to the publication of the contribution.
  • All accepted abstracts will be published on the symposium website (https://espg2025.org/).
Honorary Patronage